Inkscape logo not transparent
Inkscape logo not transparent

inkscape logo not transparent

The "dpi" value that Inkscape shows by default is therefore somewhat arbitrary, based on an accepted semi-standard for the pixel density of a computer monitor (which is increasingly incorrect as more people move towards high DPI screens). The physical size of each pixel will depend on the device that displays or prints it.

inkscape logo not transparent

Effectively you've switched from "Selection" to "Custom", except that the Inkscape UI unfortunately doesn't update to show that.Ī PNG, being a raster image, is only really measured in pixels. If you change the Width and Height in there, you're actually changing the size of the area on the page that you've selected for export (notice that the x1 and y1 values change as well). When you first open the dialog, with the object selected, the top section ("Export area") is populated with the values that correspond to the selected item. DPI is relatively meaningless in this situation. Just change the ones in the "Image Size" section.

inkscape logo not transparent

Tl dr - Don't mess with the Width and Height fields in the "Export area" section. You're confusing the export area dimensions with the image size.

Inkscape logo not transparent